But Fall With Me

But Fall With Me

June 1, 2019

This dating thing is rough. I’ve written about it before, sometimes humorously even. If you don’t laugh, there aren’t too many alternatives. I’ve come to the conclusion that what makes it so damn hard, ultimately, is that by this age we have become too practical about what love really is. We know it isn’t all fairy tales. We know there’s so much more at risk than just a broken heart. We know forever can end.

We know falling isn’t good, especially when you’re older.

But sometimes someone comes along and you just want to fall with them and forget all about what you know. Maybe it works out. Maybe it doesn’t. But I’ve never regretted a single rollercoaster ride. Even that one I took when I was forty-two that left me sore for a few days. What’s up with that?


Nothing good ever comes from falling, they say.
But we eagerly climb into roller coasters
clinging vertically to rickety, wooden tracks.
We jump off bridges and out of airplanes
with nothing but a cord to save us.
So, buckle up. Tether yourself if you must.
Fall with me.